Music Video Premiere: Matt Kivel - l.a.coliseum

Created music video visuals for songwriter Matt Kivel’s “l.a.coliseum”. This single is from Matt’s upcoming album “last night in america” which will be released on May 10 via Brooklyn record label Cascine and Pedro Y El Lobo in Mexico. Album release show will be in Brooklyn on May 3 with live projection :). Will update soon! (posted by sachiyo)

LA出身のシンガーソングライター Matt Kivelのシングル「l.a.coliseum」のミュージック・ビデオのビジュアルを担当しました。この曲の収録されたアルバム「last night in america」は5月10日、ブルックリンのレーベルCascineとメキシコのレーベルPedro Y El Laboからリリースされます。5月3日にはブルックリンでライブ映像付きのコンサートも予定されています。詳細は追ってお知らせします。お楽しみに! (投稿 by サチヨ)

New Video: Everything Starts from a Dot - Installation

We made a small video of Everything Starts from a Dot - Installation. Please take a look!
It is still up and running at The Plaxall gallery today (May 12) 12:00-5:00 & tomorrow (May 13) 12:00-5:00 at The Plaxall Gallery in Long Island City. (posted by sachiyo & dot)

展示は現在ロングアイランドシティーのThe Plaxall Galleryで進行中。本日5/12の12:00-5:00と最終日5/13の12:00-5:00までやっています。(投稿 by サチヨ&点)




The Jim Henson Foundation 2018 Grant /ジム・ヘンソン財団2018年度助成

We are so proud to announce that our project Everything Starts from a Dot is a part of The Jim Henson Foundation 2018 grant recipients among amazing artists!

Thank you for Jim Henson and his foundation for great inspiration.
We are very honored to be a part of his legacy, a part of beautiful puppetry community :).
We won't forget to always stay curious! 
Dot and sachiyo are excited to continue "dot's journey" this year! 
(Posted by all)

ワレワレのラボのプロジェクト「Everything Starts from a Dot (すべては点からはじまる)」が2018年度もジム・ヘンソン財団を受けることになりました。



(投稿 by サチヨ)

The Jim Henson Foundation 2017 Grant / ジム・ヘンソン財団2017年度助成

We are so proud to announce that our project Everything Starts from a Dot is a part of The Jim Henson Foundation 2017 grant recipients among amazing artists!

Sesame Street was broadcasted in Japan in English (without subtitles) when Sachiyo was small, and it was her first entrance to the world of wonder, guided by Muppets! She is so glad to receive this "present" from Jim Henson, and is ready to explore more the world of puppetry, objects and beyond.

Our lab member "dot" is also so excited that it can't wait to explore more of itself this year :-)!!!
(posted by all)

ワレワレのラボのプロジェクト「Everything Starts from a Dot (すべては点からはじまる)」がジム・ヘンソン財団の2017年度助成を受けることになりました。


今回の助成はジム・ヘンソンさんからよい子? へののプレゼントと思って、人形やオブジェのことをいろいろ考えながら作品作りに精出します。

(投稿 by サチヨ)

Six-leaf Clover 六つ葉のクローバー

Sachiyo found a six-leaf clover.
There was a small clover field by a path, and the first clover came into her sight was this six-leaf guy. She even didn't search. They say the odds to find a six-leaf clover is 1 in 1000000000000. Really? Also, it is said to bring hope, faith, love, luck, wealth and fame. Sachiyo thought it is too much to have them all for herself.

So we had a lab meeting. Unanimously, (well, we had to admit that sheep and goat said a few times "it looks tasty"and rabbit probably had the same thought for an instance) we decided to have six-leaf clover as our honorable lab member and its all fortune will be shared with people who need it. Please receive its fortune if you can! We will also try to think how to send its positive vibe through our lab activities. (Posted by Sock monkey) 


というわけでラボ会議の結果、全会一致(実はヒツジとヤギは「おいしそう」と何度か言ったし、ウサギもたぶん一瞬そう思ったけどね)で、六つ葉のクローバーはラボ名誉会員に決定。その幸運のすべては、それが必要な人に分けることにした。受信できそうな人は受け取ってみてね。ワレワレも、この六つ葉のクローバーの幸運をどうやったらみんなに送れるのか、いろいろやってみるよ。(投稿 by ソックモンキー)

Everything Starts from a Dot - Trailer

Here is a trailer for Everything Starts from a Dot!
This is a storytelling solely with abstract characters and sound.
A short version of this piece was premiered in Jan 2016 at St. Ann's Warehouse, Brooklyn.
We'll work on the long version this year, with more experiments ;-). Stay tuned!! (posted by sachiyo)


Everything Starts from a Dot の予告編ができました。
この作品のショート・バージョンは今年一月にブルックリンのSt. Ann's Warehouseで初演しました。
これからまたあれこれ実験しながらのロング・バージョン作りに入ります。どうぞお楽しみに! (投稿 by サチヨ)


New project! - Fishgirl Radio


Our new project "Fishgirl Radio" is launched!
A secret station for your sleepless night ;).
Please enter from the menu "Fishgirl Radio" above.

上のメニューの「Fishgirl Radio」からお入りください。



Sound Room - archival video

We added today the archival video of audience participatory installation Sound Room.
This installation was presented at Prague Quadrennial in 2003. 
We found the footage from an old box of Sachiyo's video tapes. We thought it might be fun to watch it in motion so made a short video.

Don't panic if you don't hear any sound --- it is not that your speakers are broken.