THANK YOU: Everything Starts from a Dot @La MaMa Puppet Festival

Thank you for the people who came to see Everything Starts from a Dot at the La MaMa Puppet Festival last week! It was so great having you all in the audience :-).

Dot had a relaxing day today after hard working weeks.
Here is a photo of dot at a cafe today.

Hope to see you at our next show! (posted by sachiyo & dot)

「すべては点からはじまる」初演@La MaMa Puppet Festivalに来て下さった皆様、ありがとうございました。客席の皆様のお顔を見て点も元気百倍! 楽しんで頂けたでしょうか。


また次の公演でお会いするのを楽しみにしています!(投稿 by サチヨ & 点)