Upcoming Show: One Night in Winter @ Puppetopia

Sachiyo will perform this week from May 11 to 15, 2022, as Okamoto Miya at Puppetopia at HERE Arts Centre, NYC. It is a work-in-progress of One Night in Winter, the first chapter of Shinnai Meets Puppetry - a project to introduce the world of Shinnai-bushi to international audiences through puppetry.

Sachiyo worked with Brooklyn-based puppet artist Rowan Magee to develop this work. It's a story of a lonely old man who receives a surprise visit from Tanuki (a Japanese raccoon dog) on a cold winter night.

This adaptation of the song by great master Okamoto Bunya is performed by Sachiyo Takahashi, Rowan Magee, and Emma Wiseman.

Please come and meet our Tanuki created by Rowan. It is a light, fun piece to cheer you up!

The evening is a shared bill with two other remarkable puppet works.

This work is made possible by a grant from the Jim Henson Foundation, Puppetry at the Carriage House (PATCH) residency funded by the Jane Henson Foundation and Dream Music Puppetry at HERE.


(posted by Nekaa Lab)

今週、5月11日〜15日、マンハッタンのHERE Art Centreで開催される人形劇フェスティバル「Puppetopia」で「新内ミーツ人形劇:冬の夜話」の試演をします。新内節の世界を人形劇の助けを借りて海外の観客に紹介するプロジェクトの第一弾。今回はニューヨークの若手人形師ローエン・マギーをゲストに迎え、岡本文弥作品『冬の夜話』に人形をつけます。冬の夜に、山寺に住む老人の元に狸がやってくる楽しい物語。まだ試演なので、いろいろと自由に実験しています。お近くの方はぜひNYに出没の「たぬき」に会いに来てください。http://here.org/shows/puppetopia/

(posted by サチヨ)

photography by Rowan Magee