HARP Residency - The Emotions

I started to work on the new project The Emotions together with Korean instrumentalist gamin through HARP residency at HERE Arts Centre, NYC.
We are re-examining human emotions from Eastern perspective, finding the materials from traditional music, poetry and storytelling.
The final performance will be a story of emotions told through the mixture of sound, puppetry/object manipulation, movement and lighting.
The premiere will be in 2022-2023 (TBD). We will present workshop performances on the way to share our experiments. Stay tuned!
(Posted by sachiyo)

韓国の伝統楽器奏者gaminさんと共に、新しいプロジェクト『感情』を立ち上げました。ニューヨークのオフ・オフ・ブロードウェー劇場HERE Arts Centreのアーティスト・レジデンス・プログラムHARPの一環として作品制作を始めています。
(投稿 by サチヨ)
