Shinnai Meets Puppetry receives 2024 NYSCA grant!

I am excited to announce that my latest project, Shinnai Meets Puppetry: One Night in Winter & The Peony Lantern, has been awarded the FY2024 NYSCA - New York State Council on the Arts grant.

I am very grateful for this opportunity.

I look forward to sharing the work with you in the fall of 2024!
(posted by sachiyo)

「新内ミーツ人形劇:冬の夜話 & 牡丹燈籠」プロジェクトがニューヨーク州アーツカウンシルNYSCA(New York State Council of the Arts)の助成を受けることになりました。感謝!2024年秋の初演に向けて、作品を作りこんでいきます。


(投稿 by サチヨ)